
It’s possible to find textures in almost anything. Every surface has some level of texture to it, though it may be challenging to capture with a camera. If there are multiple surfaces, then it becomes easier. When those surfaces are overlaying each other and moving over each other, then it’s harder to miss the textures than to see them. Then, identifying them in Lightroom, the different textures can be isolated and drawn apart a little from each other.

Taking such a shot in the evening with limited artificial light and constantly moving smoke means that the subject is always unpredictably inconsistent. Take a shot and you get what you get. I took seven shots here and this is probably the best of the set because the grass is in focus where it matters and the smoke reveals enough of it to be interesting without revealing anything. Other shots revealed almost nothing, others too much. This is just the right mix, as much a factor of luck and persistence as anything else.


Perfect in imperfect


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