Perfect in imperfect

Just as editing can bring a flat RAW shot to life, revealing the colour that was there all along, so it can reveal other things too. It can reveal a lack of symmetry even in what you might imagine must be perfectly arranged. While this shot may not be perfectly straight on to Aphrodite, it’s not far off, yet look at the lack of symmetry. One peacock has a larger fan than the other and so extends further out. That lack of symmetry makes cropping difficult. Had I cropped to keep the edges of the fans equidistant from the edges of the frame, then what’s behind the peacocks and the edges of the frame would lack symmetry.

Spaces designed, built and decorated by the finest of artists and craftsmen can make compromises, have imperfections whether deliberate or accidental, or suffer over time. So naturally no photo can correct that. And however imperfect this shot may seem, a divine figure is at the heart of it. The perfect in imperfect.

A statue of Aphrodite in an alcove flanked by peacocks in Chateau de Versailles


