Light bridge

This was an important experiment: to what extent can editing rescue a photo. And the answer? Not enough.

The edits did the photo a lot of good by recovering the cloud details, making the sun visible rather than just an amorphous area of overly bright light, recovering the details of the ship, and more.

But the composition has backed me into a corner. Ensuring that the photo is level was difficult as there’s contradictory information. And what of the angle to the bridge that the shot was taken? Should I have gone to the right to bring the bridge further across the image? Should I have gone to the left and shot in portrait to strengthen the sense of the bridge disappearing across to the other side of the river? I don't yet have a camera with a zoom lens so I couldn't zoom in to make one point in the image the subject. So as a result, the image winds up in no man's land, trying to be best of both worlds but, like so many attempts, being the worst of both worlds.

Another lesson learned.


The last light III


Temple of Love