Evening at the Peristyle

Architecture can be deceptive in photography. On the same row some columns of the Peristyle seem to curve in and some seem to curve out. Do additional distorion correct beyond Lighroom’s automatic correction from the lens profile and it might correct one while making the other seem worse. And on the right the columns suggest that the whole photo isn’t vertically aligned, but correct for that and everything else is off. The fact that the whole image is full of such visual illusions was one of the things that held me back from publishing this photo for so long. I took other photos of the Peristyle at the Grand Trianon on different days, so I can compare them.

But for now… I love the scene. I love the location. I shall make the most of what I have and hope to learn whether the illusion is the result of me not knowing something or simply the way it is.


The Queen of Heaven


Everything was covered in ice