But would you die for it?

In the film Monuments Men, Hugh Bonneville's character is a wastrel, filled with an overwhelming sense of shame at his failure and the embarrassment that he's caused his father. But when the moment comes, he's willing to die for something. Art. This art.

Da Vinci's Madonna in Bruges

At the centre is Michelangelo's Madonna. And no, I haven't edited the photo to artificially increase the light falling on her.

At the point at which any of us believe that we've found the most meaningful thing in our lives we have a difficult question to answer, the most important question of all: would I die for it? If what you believe provides you with the most meaning is under serious threat, would you die to protect it?

Die? Don't be ridiculous, you might say.

Dying to protect anything other than family or nation appears to be passé. Certainly, many artists give the impression that they might die for another 100 likes on their latest post, but would roll their eyes at the suggestion of dying for art.

But it's important. It's important to know what it is that carries so much meaning for you that you would die to protect it. If you wouldn't die for it, then it can't be that important to you and you need to keep searching. It's the certainty of knowing that you would give your life for it that is the final confirmation that you have found the greatest meaning in your life.

I recently undertook a grand tour of art, and consequently meaning, from Amsterdam to Bruges to Paris. And I've had the same revelation as Hugh Bonneville's character: I would die for art. This art.

Petit Trianon at Chateau de Versailles from in front of the gates

For me, it's the Petite Trianon that is the heart of Versailles. It contains art in the objects that can be found there. It’s gardens are art, as are the Temple of Love and Hameau de la Reine. The building itself is art.

The discovery that there really is something worth dying for is an immensely powerful revelation. Until that moment came in the gardens, I knew, deep down, that I could be the very ordinary type of coward who played it safe by keeping quiet while what I value most is burnt down before me.

Until we know we would die for it, then we don't really know what meaning is.


Coffee is essential preparation for appointments at the palace


Sweet scented rose