2023: your call to adventure

The tradition of new year resolutions is a ritual undertaken with little understanding of what it is. It's a call to adventure. But all too often it's abandoned. Why? Perhaps it's too small or mediocre. Perhaps there just isn't enough riding on it and it needs to be elevated to the level of the sacred to carry the necessary levels of meaning for us to pursue it. Perhaps family, friends or institutions wear us down by questioning our noble goals. Perhaps we just learn to stop looking.

But the adventure is there to be had if you will but recognise the portal when you see it or go in search of it.

But the extraordinary world found as we go on the adventure isn't safe. Had I known what the adventure of 2022 would be I might not have been brave enough to go on the journey. Yet, as painful as it's been, that would have been a mistake. I find that 2022 has still been a year to be grateful for. It has directed me to the adventure of 2023: to develop my photography skills such that they approach professional standards and to move to Versailles.

This is your call to adventure. It's time to rise from the realm of next bests. You have something important to do. Something that frees you from mediocrity. Rise from the mediocre new year resolutions that you'll abandon in the first week. The world needs us. It needs you.



